Description | Features | Requirements | Examples | Pricing | FAQ
Q: Do you have a demoversion of
Creature creator?
A: Not at this time, but that is something that we will make available
sometime in 1999 when we get the time to do a demo of it.
Q: Can Creature Creator models be
brought into Modeler for adding detail and such? If so, do they come in as triangles or
A: Yes, when you are happy with your model within Creature creator it will
export it to an empty layer in modeler and you can continue working on it there if you
like. The library we provides makes the objects come out as quads.
Q: How long will it take to recieve my
A: Creature creator can we only deliver by normal airmail, but we will
always send it first class. You will have it between 1-2 weeks depending on where in the
world you live.
Q: You wrote that you will extend the
library. The question, is it possible for the user / customer to extend or import /load
his own wire in to that library? Short: to extend and to make his own library.
A: Yes, you can do that in the Pro version of Creature creator. That's what
differs the standard version from the Pro.
Q: What I'm curious to find out is if I
buy the base version and later want that funcionality, can I upgrade for the $100
A: Yes of course you can buy the standard version and then later upgrade
to the pro version. It will be the same price in the end, ie you pay $100 for
the upgrade.
Q: Why are there two versions of
Creature creator?
A: We did make two versions of the software, because we believe that there is
people who just don't have the need to make their own additions to the library.
Therefore we decided to make a stripped down version without the possibilities to
edit and add to the library and make a cheaper pricetag as well.
To be able to edit and add to the library is quite a powerful function which a good
modeler will have tremendous use for and can make some incredible stuff with, and the
extra cost for that will pay for itself in notime.